
How to Add Rhinestones to Shoes: A Step-by-Step Guide

Adding rhinestones to shoes is a great way to take your look from ordinary to extraordinary. Whether you’re looking for a subtle sparkle or an all-out glam look, adding rhinestones to shoes can be the perfect way to make a statement.

With so many different colors and sizes of rhinestones available, it’s easy to find the perfect combination for any outfit.

From sandals and sneakers to boots and heels, adding rhinestones to shoes can give them a unique and stylish look that will turn heads wherever you go.

So why not add some sparkle and shine to your wardrobe today?

Let’s explore how you can add rhinestones to shoes for a truly eye-catching style!

Table of Contents:

Gather Supplies

Whether you’re looking for something subtle or an over-the-top statement, adding rhinestones can be the perfect finishing touch.

Before you get started, it’s important to make sure that you have all of the necessary supplies on hand so that your project goes smoothly. First and foremost, you will need a variety of rhinestones in different sizes and colors.

Rhinestones come in many shapes including round, square, oval, teardrop and more! You can find them at most craft stores or online retailers like Amazon or Etsy.

Make sure to pick up enough stones for your project – it’s always better to have too many than not enough! Next up is glue – this is what will hold the stones onto the shoe material securely.

There are several types of glues available specifically designed for use with rhinestones; choose one that works best with your particular shoe material (e.g., leather vs canvas).

Additionally, consider picking up a pair of tweezers as they can help make placing small stones easier and less messy!

Finally, don’t forget about the shoes themselves!

Choose a style that speaks to you – whether it’s a classic ballet flat or bold high heel – then decide where exactly on the shoe surface you want to place each stone (this may require some trial-and-error!).

Once everything is ready go ahead and start adding those dazzling details – just remember patience is key when working with delicate materials like these!

Key Takeaway: Adding rhinestones to shoes is a great way to add sparkle and pizzazz to any look. Before you get started, make sure you have all the necessary supplies on hand including different sizes and colors of rhinestones, glue designed for your shoe material, tweezers (optional), and the shoes themselves. Patience is key when working with delicate materials like these – take your time and enjoy the creative process!

Prepare the Shoes

When it comes to adding rhinestones to shoes, the first step is always preparation.

Whether you’re looking to create a unique design or just add some sparkle and shine, taking the time to properly prepare your shoes will ensure that your project turns out exactly as planned.

The first thing you need to do is clean your shoes. This will help make sure any dirt or dust doesn’t interfere with the adhesive used for attaching the rhinestones.

Use a soft cloth and warm water (or mild soap if necessary) and gently wipe down both sides of each shoe until they are completely clean and dry. Once your shoes are prepped, it’s time to decide on a design!

If you have an idea in mind already great – but if not there are plenty of resources online where you can find inspiration for creative designs.

Once you know what kind of look you want, use a pencil or marker (that won’t stain!) to draw out the pattern onto each shoe so that when it comes time for gluing on the stones everything will be ready-to-go!

Finally, before beginning work on either shoe double check that all pieces fit together correctly – this includes making sure all pieces line up perfectly with one another as well as checking that none of them overlap each other by accident.

With these steps completed, now it’s time for adding those beautiful rhinestones!

Key Takeaway: Adding rhinestones to shoes is a great way to add sparkle and shine. To ensure your project turns out as planned, it’s important to take the time for proper preparation – this includes cleaning the shoes, deciding on a design, and double checking that all pieces fit together correctly before beginning work. With these steps completed you can now start adding those beautiful rhinestones!

Apply the Glue to the Shoes

But before you get started, it’s important that you use the right type of glue for the job.

Depending on what kind of material your shoes are made from, different types of glue will work better than others. For leather or synthetic materials like vinyl or pleather, an adhesive specifically designed for these materials is best.

This type of glue won’t damage the material and can provide a strong bond between the shoe and rhinestone. For canvas or fabric-based shoes, hot glue works well because it’s easy to apply and dries quickly without leaving behind any residue.

Once you’ve chosen the right type of adhesive for your project, it’s time to start applying it! Start by marking where each rhinestone should go with a pencil so that you know exactly where they need to be placed later on.

Then take some small dots of glue onto one end of a toothpick (or something similar) and carefully dab them onto each marked area on the shoe in turn until all areas have been covered with enough adhesive for secure placement when attaching the stones later on.

Make sure not to put too much as this could cause excess oozing out from underneath once applied – just enough so that there is an even layer across all marked spots should do!

Finally, let everything dry completely before adding any stones – this usually takes about 10 minutes depending on how thickly applied your adhesive was – then simply press each stone into place firmly but gently using tweezers if needed until all are securely attached!

Key Takeaway: Adding rhinestones to shoes is a great way to give them a unique and stylish look, but it’s important to use the right type of glue for the material your shoes are made from. Hot glue works well for canvas or fabric-based shoes, while an adhesive specifically designed for leather or synthetic materials should be used instead. Mark where each stone should go with a pencil before applying small dots of glue and let everything dry completely before adding any stones.

Place Rhinestones on the Shoes

1. Begin by selecting the size and color of rhinestone that best suits your design idea.

If you’re unsure about what looks good together then try experimenting with different combinations until you find one that works well together.

2. Apply a thin layer of adhesive glue onto the area where you plan on placing the stones using either tweezers or an applicator tool (If Available)

Make sure not to apply too much as this could cause them to slide off once they dry!

Allow enough time for the glue to set before continuing onto step 3.

3. Using tweezers carefully place each stone into its designated spot ensuring that it adheres firmly without slipping out from underneath its edges due to excess glue build-up around it’s perimeter.

To ensure accuracy use a ruler if needed while positioning each stone in order for them all line up perfectly along their row/patterns edge lines.

4. After completing your design let it sit overnight so that everything has ample time drying properly before wearing them out!

For extra protection against wear & tear spray over top with clear coat sealant. Now enjoy showing off your new sparkling shoe creations!

Key Takeaway: With the right tools and supplies, you can easily create stunning designs on your favorite pair of shoes. Make sure to have all the necessary materials such as adhesive glue, tweezers, scissors, and a variety of sizes and colors of rhinestones before getting started. Follow these steps for perfect results every time!


FAQs in Relation to How to Add Rhinestones to Shoes

How do you get rhinestones to stay on shoes?

To ensure that the rhinestones stay on, it’s important to use an adhesive specifically designed for fabric and leather surfaces.

The best adhesives are those that create a strong bond between the shoe material and the stone without damaging either one.

Additionally, you should clean both the shoe surface and the back of each stone with rubbing alcohol before applying them in order for them to stick better.

Once you have applied your chosen adhesive, press down firmly on each stone until it is secure. Allow plenty of time for drying before wearing or washing your shoes so that they will last longer.

What glue do you use to put rhinestones on shoes?

The best glue to use when adding rhinestones to shoes is a strong, waterproof adhesive. This type of adhesive will ensure that the rhinestones stay securely in place and won’t come off easily.

Some popular brands for this purpose include E6000, Gem -Tac, and Aleene’s Jewelry & Metal Glue.

All of these glues are designed specifically for attaching embellishments like rhinestones to hard surfaces such as leather or fabric.

Before applying the glue, it is important to make sure that both the shoe and the stones are clean and dry so that they adhere properly.

Once you have applied a thin layer of glue on each stone, press them firmly onto your shoes until they stick in place. Allow time for the glue to fully dry before wearing your shoes!

How do you attach rhinestones to sneakers?

Attaching rhinestones to sneakers is a relatively simple process that can be done with minimal tools and supplies.

The first step is to clean the surface of the shoe where you want to attach the rhinestones, as any dirt or debris will prevent them from sticking properly.

Once the area is clean, apply a thin layer of fabric glue or craft adhesive onto the back of each stone before pressing it firmly into place on your sneaker. If needed, use tweezers or other small tools to help position stones in hard-to-reach areas.

Allow plenty of time for the glue to dry completely before wearing your shoes. For added security, you may also want to seal around each stone with clear nail polish or epoxy resin once they are all in place.

How do you bedazzle a shoe?

To bedazzle your shoes, you will need a pair of shoes, fabric glue or hot glue gun, and the desired amount of rhinestones.

Start by cleaning the surface of the shoe that you want to decorate with rhinestones. This ensures that there is no dirt or debris on the surface which could prevent proper adhesion of the stones.

Next, apply either fabric glue or hot glue onto each stone before placing it onto your shoe in whatever design you choose. Once all stones are placed where desired, press down firmly for several seconds so they adhere properly.

Allow time for them to dry completely before wearing your newly bedazzled shoes!


With the right tools and supplies, you can easily add sparkle and shine to your favorite pair of shoes.

Whether you’re looking for something subtle or an over-the-top design, adding rhinestones to shoes is a fun and creative way to express yourself. So don’t be afraid – grab some rhinestones and get creative!

You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to add rhinestones to shoes and create something truly unique.

Are you looking for a way to add some sparkle and shine to your wardrobe? Look no further than the Rhinestone Shop! We offer a wide selection of rhinestones in various sizes, colors, and shapes to help you create unique designs for clothing, styling, and arts and crafts.

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